Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why I Believe

I remember about 7 or 8 years ago sitting in the living room of my first house. My grandfather asked me why I believe in Jesus and what made me think He was the one true God. I remember how I stumbled over my words, nervous and shaky. Crippled with my shyness and insecurity, knowing why but not knowing how to put into words something that would make sense to a man that I thought so much of. I probably made him walk away thinking I was more confused than anything. I still struggle to express myself in a way that makes sense but sometimes I can be a little clearer when I write. So, since this has bothered me for the past 7-8 years...
Why do I believe in Jesus and why do I think He is the one true God?
Faith. It is said that "faith" is believing in what you can't see. Like how we take trips in airplanes even though we don't know the pilot or really understand (well, most of us) why or how the plane can fly. We just have to have faith to get on the plane. If we don't, if we wait until we fully understand aerodynamics and know all the facts, we will never fly. We take a step and just believe in the pilot and that what is said is true.I don't understand everything about God. I don't understand why certain things happen. I just have Faith. The Bible says that it is by grace we are saved through faith ( Ephesians 2:8 ).

I decided to believe that the Bible is true. That it is really the Word of God.I don't believe it was really an emotional experience for me. I started believing when I was young because I was told it was the way. I accepted that Christ died for me. During my teen years, I tried testing other things and finding my own meaning in life and doubted it and then I came back around and decided that I was going to step out in faith. I was going to stop spending so much time challenging the Bible and just try living like I really believe it. I prayed that God would help me to fall in love with His Word and desire to know Him and believe Him. I still pray everyday that God will give me strong faith that cannot be shaken. The Bible says that if ask Him, He will give us the desires of our heart and if we ask according to His will, He will answer it (John 14:15). I decided to really believe and accept His grace. The Old Testament shows us over and over again how man is unable to keep the law. We are sinful and can never be perfect enough no matter how we try. The New Testament is all about God sending a Savior. Jesus was the final sacrifice. We no longer have to do all the sacrifices of the Old Testament, we just have to accept that Christ died as punishment for our sin. He died for us. We can either believe it or we can spend our life doubting it and denying it, waiting for more proof. I choose to believe it. I have chosen to believe that each Word in the Bible is true. I choose to believe and find rest in His promises.That I should be anxious in nothing and cast all my worries on God. I have chosen to believe that God will never give me more than I can handle. That when the burden seems so bad or temptation too great, if I bow to Him in prayer and tell Him, He will, without a doubt get me through it(1 Corinthians 10:13). I don't know how things will work out, but I just have to trust Him. I believe that when the Bible says not to be "unequally yoked" it really means it and I must be very selective of my friends. I believe in the wisdom of each and every Proverb. I have no doubt that anyone who chooses to believe that Christ is their Savior and asks God to reveal Himself, prays that God will give them faith and a desire to learn about Him and obey Him will find God and will understand why I believe in Him.


Pretty Organizer said...

What a great disciple of Christ you are. Thank you for your post. It's always comforting to hear how others developed their testimony of our Savior and his divine roll. Blogging has been such a wonderful way to see my sisters all over the world. There are so many wonderful ladies out there and with such a strong faith in Jesus. Thanks for your example and for sharing it.

Steve said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. Your new house is beautiful. Maybe I can retire and we can move in with you and take care of the pool. I am sure Ginger would love it. She really enjoyed swimming in our friends pool. Steve